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Finally, scientifically proven business games.

Disruptive B2B Innovation

NeuroGames Lab is a Future of Work tech startup (DeepTech AI) based in Warsaw (PL),
collaborating with banks
, insurers and call centers to help them reach their greatest potential on the market
by creating an innovative HR solution for sales departments - GameHR Sales 🚀




Read about our traction and our methodology, and get in touch with us.

Skyscrapers Above Times Square at Dawn

About NeuroGames Lab

Investing in the Future

Founded in December 2017, NeuroGames Lab is recognized as a top Future of Work startup (DeepTech) in Poland.
We believe in the power of merging the scientific findings and new technologies with business reality. We merge the neuroscience, psychology, gamification and artificial intelligence to solve the real business problems on the market.

Our mission is to give our clients (mainly banks and insurers) the unique and validated tools that will deliver real value in the long run. To achieve this, we have graduated three very intensive and prestigious acceleration programs such as Huge Thing (for FinTech in CEE), Warsaw Booster for FinTech & InsurTech (which we have won at the Warsaw Stock Exchange recently) and MIT Enterprise Forum (5th edition). Furthermore, we won recently "Żagle Biznesu SGH" award for the most innovative product "GameHR Sales" too.

Till now, we build our unique value through very though mentoring sessions with top of the top professors, mentors and experts from a variety of universities and corporations. We have built our first business product - GameHR Sales - recruitment game for bankers, insurers and call centers in sales departments.

Since 2021 we successfully build our next innovative product (based on R&D grant) which will be available on the market from the beginning of 2025 to solve even bigger corporate problems. To learn more, contact us today.

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Market traction

3 intensive startup accelerations, thousands of gen AI / ML experiments,
5 years of R&D works with hundreds of people and strategic cooperation with the biggest banks, millions spent for product development and delivering truly unique value from a global perspective

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We are an Alumnus of the three
prestigious acceleration programs:

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Huge Thing (FinTech 5th edition - CEE)

HugeThing is an intensive four months acceleration programme, based in Warsaw (Poland). It is designed for ambitious startups with global aspirations. Huge Thing is a program for Central Eastern European startups. Alior Bank was a strategic partner of that edition, and we have raised PLN 250,000 from SpeedUp Venture Capital Group in which PLN 200,000 (about 50,000 EUR) money in cash (equity-free).

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Warsaw Booster'18 (FinTech & InsurTech)

#WARSAW booster'18 is a program that was created on the initiative of the capital city of Warsaw with a partnership of Youth Business Poland. The honorary patrons were the Warsaw Stock Exchange and the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology. We have won the second place on the podium and won PLN 15,000 prize money.


MIT Enterprise Forum (5th edition)

MIT Enterprise Forum CEE is part of the global network of MIT Enterprise Forum, affiliated with the world’s best technology university – the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The aim of the program is to support the development of the most innovative start-ups from Central and Eastern Europe by combining their potential with the knowledge and resources of leading enterprises and the experience of Polish and international mentors.

We already began the commercialisation stage across Europe and China markets with our first innovative product - GameHR Sales + we we'll be on a Microsoft global marketplace soon!

Moreover, we are currently in a co-investment process and are focused on our R+D activities related to our second innovative product which will be on the market from the beginning of 2025!

Contact us and be our next customer/investor 🎉🚀🦄

Startup distinguished by:

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Curious about the details?

Just contact with our CEO & Founder directly and dive into the details and the next business steps.


Mateusz Bereziewicz - CEO & Founder

Featured in:

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Get in Touch 🚀


NeuroGames Lab Sp. z o.o.
Cambridge Innovation Center,
CIC Warsaw / Varso Place, 1st floor
Chmielna 73 street,
00-801 Warsaw, Poland (EU)

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©2023 by NeuroGames Lab Sp. z o.o.. Proudly created with love ❤️

Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020


Przedmiotem projektu jest udział w działaniach promocyjnych przewidzianych w Programie promocji branży IT/ICT. Celem projektu jest wzrost sprzedaży produktów i usług na rynku międzynarodowym, promocja marki GameHR oraz promowanie Marki Polskiej Gospodarki. W wyniku przeprowadzonych działań zakłada się, że do końca 2024r. zostanie zawartych 11 zagranicznych kontraktów handlowych, a sprzedaż ze sprzedaży abonamentu miesięcznego GameHR Sales na eksport wygeneruje kwotę 2,72 mln zł stanowiący cały przychód z eksportu.

Całkowita wartość projektu: 443.600,00 zł, wysokość dofinansowania z Funduszy Europejskich: 354.880,00 zł.

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NeuroGames Lab Sp. z o.o. realizuje projekt pt. „Opracowanie innowacyjnego systemu rekrutacyjnego GameHR opartego o autorskie narzędzia do selekcji pracowników w działach sprzedaży” współfinansowany w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020. Celem projektu jest opracowanie innowacyjnego systemu rekrutacyjnego GameHR opartego o autorskie narzędzia do selekcji pracowników w działach sprzedaży. Rezultatem projektu będzie nowy produkt - innowacyjna i zautomatyzowana platforma rekrutacyjna, która wykorzystując autorską grę, będzie badać miękkie umiejętności/cechy potencjalnego pracownika. Całkowita wartość projektu: 6 402 796,94 zł, wkład Funduszy Europejskich: 4 447 748,45 zł.

Szacowana i planowana wielkość ze sprzedaży B2B z finalnego systemu rekrutacyjnego GameHR do końca 2028 r. wynosi: 18 632 000,00 zł.

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